Call for Papers
Research in Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC) involves identifying a scientific computing problem arising in a relevant application area, representing this problem using a combinatorial or graph model, describing the corresponding graph problem, finding an algorithmic approach to its solution, and carrying out a theoretical and/or experimental analysis of the approach. Contributions involving any aspect of this workflow are welcome.
We invite papers in all areas of Combinatorial Scientific Computing, including (but not limited to):
- Combinatorial (discrete) models in scientific computing
- Graph and hypergraph algorithms in scientific computing
- Sparse matrix computations
- Combinatorial problems in data science and network science
- Combinatorial problems in algorithmic differentiation
- Applications of combinatorial scientific computing
- Randomized matrix computations
- Streaming algorithms for combinatorial and numerical problems
- Combinatorial problems in analyzing data stemming from scientific computations
- Numerical methods for solving combinatorial problems
- Analysis of large complex graphs
- Statistical and machine learning methods for solving combinatorial problems
- Interaction between algorithms in these areas and modern computing platforms, including challenges arising from memory hierarchies, novel memory technologies, and parallelism ranging from instruction-level and multi-core all the way to clouds and exascale